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"After a visit to downtown Indianapolis in December of 2012, I was shocked by the number of homeless people I observed. Many of them were sleeping on street corners and in alleys with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. This moved me to do everything in my power to make a difference. In 2012, I launched Operation Homeless so that I could try and make the holiday season more enjoyable for those in need (not to mention helping to keep them warm). I have been blessed with great friends and supporters who have helped with this project and have put just as much effort into it as i have. Ultimately I have learned a lot from my experience with operation homeless and it has given back to me in ways I could have never imagined."


"When I first joined Operation Homeless, I thought I was going to be the one to change lives. Instead, my life was changed by the amazing people and experiences I have witnessed. Many people seem to overlook the homeless community because of certain stereotypes, but really these people are missing out. Many of the people I have met since Operation Homeless started are wonderful people with kind hearts. They are always so appreciative of everything we provide them through this charity. We have had instances where people who basically have nothing turn down items we give them, in order for us to give them to others that might need it more. This has really given me a passion to do missions work. These homeless people are a blessing in my life and I desire to do everything in my power to help provide them with the basic necessities they are lacking."

Jake Watrous

Steven Curry

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